It should be obvious since acquiring YouTube in 2006 that Google loves video. If that doesn’t convince you, then maybe taking a peek at search results will. Google now incorporates more than just links into their search results – they incorporate video results as well. Imagine, for example, if a business that sold tires ranked as the #3 or #4 result for how to change a tire with a helpful video.

All the business would have to do to capitalize on this spot is make sure that the link to their website is on the video itself and beneath the video in the description. Someone might watch the video, realize they could do this themselves, and then order a new set of tires from the business. Learn more about how videos on YouTube and your own website can help with search rankings.


What’s the best part about corporate video production? If you’re not a fan of writing content, then creating videos for your business could be a great alternative. Once you get the hang of it, videos could become an essential part of your overall online marketing strategy.